Books from the Fibre Artists Network Library – Hand & Machine Embroidery – Available at Gladstone meetings

The Art of Embroidered FlowersBaron: Gilda
Stitch MagicBeanie and Littlejohn
StitchscapesBeanie and Littlejohn
Memory ClothsBeanie and Littlejohn
Stitch Rhythms & PatternsBeanie and Littlejohn
The Machine Embroidery HandbookBennett: D.J.
Silk Ribbon Embroidery – Australian Wildflower DesignsBradford: Jenny
Layers of Stitch – Contemporary Machine EmbroideryCampbell: Harding & Grey
Celtic Inspiration for Machine EmbroideristsCampbell-Harding: Valerie
BlackworkCostelow: Mary
Beginners Guide to StumpworkDennis: Kay
Machine EmbroideryDipps: Kristen
Needlework SchoolEmbroiderers’ Guild
Linen StitchesGloria & Pat
TapestryGordon: Jill
Paper, Metal and StitchGrey and Wild
Treasury of Charted DesignsHauschild: Jana
Drawn to StitchHedley: Gwen
Surfaces for StitchHedley: Gwen
Raised Embroidery – A Practical Guide to Decorative StumpworkHirst: B & R
New Designs in Raised EmbroideryHirst: B & R
A to Z of Embroidery StitchesInspiration Magazine
A to Z of BullionsInspiration Magazine
A to Z of Embroidered FlowersInspiration Magazine
A to Z  of Ribbon EmbroideryInspiration Magazine
Candle WickingMeldrom: Sandy
Brazilian 3D EmbroideryMontage: Rosie
Embroidery’s from SnowshillNational Trust
Embroidered LandscapesPyman: Kit
Freestyle Machine EmbroideryShinn: Carol
Stitchery – Embroidery, Applique, CrewelSunset books
Embroidered ArtTaylor: Lindsay
Enjoying EmbroideryWilson: Anna
Common Threads – Japanese Everyday Stitched Textiles 
Ribbon Embroidery Magazine 
Wool Embroidery Magazine