This collaborative exhibition from two regional fibre groups the Gatherers and the Fibre Artists Network is an exploration of contemporary fibre practice. Fibre and the layers they create often contain meaning, memories and experiences, and they can be hidden or revealed. Collaboration supports the creative inspiration of both groups to produce this inspiring show. Open […]
Workshop Meeting - Join Mary Brown for a wonderful Shibori Workshop Cost $70 - members; $100 - non-members Contact the secretary, Jenny Davies, for further details.
Display by FAN members at Wauchope Creative Hub
Janice will lead a workshop for FAN members on Felting with Paper. Requirements list to be supplied. Bring a plate to share for lunch as the workshop will be followed by the September monthly meeting. Start time to be confirmed. For further details, contact Janice or the secretary, Jenny Davies.
Theme - "Hooked On ... " Exploring our artistic obsessions ....
Join the Fibre Artists members to discuss our work and plan future exhibitions.
A two day workshop. Members will share their work and discuss how they intend to engage with the working title for our proposed future exhibition. Our proposed exhibition title is “Looking back moving forward…….. bringing the past with us.”.
“Weaving, walking and playing in natural tones “exhibition